viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

The ladybug flutters to Panama!

The ladybug traveler has somehow made it to....Panama!

Today was a crazy day. We left the hostel in Puerto Viejo at around 8am to catch a bus to Sixaola. We lugged our luggage in the hot hot heat for about a mile from the hostel to the bus stop. The bus was super crowded, I was sitting on the floor, and the bus driver was driving soo fast on this narrow mountain road I felt like I was in the Night Bus from Harry Potter! We made it to the border at Sixaola, crossed a bridge into Panama, took a crowded van that was suited for 10 but was carrying 15 of us and one child through the mountains to a port, got into a boat, and finally made it to Bocas del Torro.

Here, the Marina from my group, and Merel the Holand girl, we broke off from the bigger group to get ourselves a hostel. It is soooooo nice. On retrospect, Rocking J's was pretty sketch. Here, the beds are clean, the building is clean, the people working here are nice and trusting, and we are close to everything. Although Rocking J's was cool, it was dirty and we found out about all of this nasty stuff that was going on behind the scenes. Apparently the staff had changed the lock on some Israeli's locker and stolen some money, and there were rumers of drugs, and it just sounded awful. BUT, here it is beautiful and fun, and tomorrow we are going on a boat tour that will take us snorkeling and to see dolphins and to hang out on a beautiful beach etc etc. Good times here in this lovely area.

I'm sure you all are just wishing you were here on sandy beaches in green warm clear water!


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